Wednesday, August 3, 2016

sit and wait

Today I got home and opened the door, unsure of what I'd find.  It's Day 2 of Ziggy being home alone all day, out of her crate. 

What I found was a dog sitting at attention just inside and watching me patiently to get the door open. 

Not distraught, not upset, not jumping hyper.  Just sitting to greet me. 

Are our crate days behind us? 

She was pretty upset when I left without her though, rushing the door to go with me.  She is a loyal sidekick. 

We've both been a bit under the weather but we're coming around.

This is going to show I"m off the deep end, but I regularly sniff her, burying my face in her fur.  Why?  Well, her smell reflects her health.  When stressed, she smells quite bad. 

Despite our boring life, I think she's pretty happy.  She's lying on the floor now, chewing on a bone, and she decided to roll on her back and rolls into a favorite toy that now she's chewing on - she holds it up in paws and lets it dangle down on her face.   

I know I need to work on training with her.  Today I got pissed off at somebody walking her big Doberman on-leash with two chihuahuas that were off leash and chasing us.  Which means that when we got to Black Dog's house, he wouldn't come down to say hello.  He looked down on all this mess and he was like, "Oh fuck no.  No drama for me."  I couldn't coax him.  I think he has arthritis or another pain, I see him limping, but still - he usually comes down the stairs for us.  He could also be miffed because yesterday Ziggy kind of blew him off - he came down and they greeted briefly and then she was done and we walked away.  She was too cool and I wasn't arguing.  He's a sweet dog but he's Lab-stinky. 

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