Tuesday, August 9, 2016

she knows

Oh this jackass dog knows I'm leaving her and she's pulling out all the stops.

She just ate half a lime to spite me.

She pulled the insoles out of my garden shoes.

Yesterday she ripped my shorts when grabbing the frisbee.  I'd like to think it was an accident, but she didn't mark my skin in the slightest, so I'm skeptical.

This morning's walk was awful - a dog walked up on us when I wasn't paying attention, and Ziggy lost her marbles for the whole rest of the walk.  Constantly overvigilant. 

This poor puppy. She does not handle stress or change all that well. 

But, there are few people I trust to take care of her like these people so it will be fine.  They underestimate her volatility, but on the flip side it means that they expect more of her than I do and she seems to rise to their expectations pretty well. 

Ugh, getting up by 4 am tomorrow, on the road.

1 comment:

  1. My Maggie starts to spazz out when she sees a suitcase. She starts following us from room to room, looking at us like 'don't forget me.'
