"What are we doing now? Is it going to be fun? I"ll bet it's fun! Let's go!"
This is Ziggy's attitude about everything because she takes her role as my sidekick extremely seriously. No shenanigans, she's got my back.
You can imagine her delight when I started pulling up the masking paper in the living room. For days she had to just see it there but suddenly she was allowed to YANK IT UP AND DESTROY IT.
She is a demolition dog. If she were human, she would have a sledgehammer tattoo. She loves ripping shit up. That she very rarely does it (now) and only when it appears sanctioned speaks volumes to her character. This is a dog who a month after I had her went out and dug up the sweet potatoes BECAUSE THEY WERE READY. She had never seen me dig things up and yet there she was one day with sweet potato bits all over my bed from munching away.
She is a delight and a terror. she is a shameless spackle addict.
And never in my life has laundry been more fun, but all I have to say is, "You want to help me do laundry?" and this dog dances with delight. Nothing anything more exciting has ever happened with those words than me carrying a basket of clothes downstairs, and yet she can get fired up over anything. LAUNDRY IS FUN! she exclaims, and she leaps and waits for me at the head of the stairs - "ARe you really coming? YAY! YOU ARE COMING!" and she runs down, so happy.
She does love this house and yard, which is a good thing because I did buy it for her. But I like it too, of course.
This is Ziggy's attitude about everything because she takes her role as my sidekick extremely seriously. No shenanigans, she's got my back.
You can imagine her delight when I started pulling up the masking paper in the living room. For days she had to just see it there but suddenly she was allowed to YANK IT UP AND DESTROY IT.
She is a demolition dog. If she were human, she would have a sledgehammer tattoo. She loves ripping shit up. That she very rarely does it (now) and only when it appears sanctioned speaks volumes to her character. This is a dog who a month after I had her went out and dug up the sweet potatoes BECAUSE THEY WERE READY. She had never seen me dig things up and yet there she was one day with sweet potato bits all over my bed from munching away.
She is a delight and a terror. she is a shameless spackle addict.
And never in my life has laundry been more fun, but all I have to say is, "You want to help me do laundry?" and this dog dances with delight. Nothing anything more exciting has ever happened with those words than me carrying a basket of clothes downstairs, and yet she can get fired up over anything. LAUNDRY IS FUN! she exclaims, and she leaps and waits for me at the head of the stairs - "ARe you really coming? YAY! YOU ARE COMING!" and she runs down, so happy.
She does love this house and yard, which is a good thing because I did buy it for her. But I like it too, of course.
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