Monday, May 9, 2016

a worst nightmare

I called my co-worker this morning and she sounded like she had a cold.  We kept talking and then she told me: her dog had died.  She had left the 14-year-old in the care of her children's father, as she always does, asking him to keep an eye on the elderly dachshund as he'd really lost vision. 

They found him drowned in the lake.  I can't get that vision out of my head, as drowning is my big fear. 

As dog parents, how careful is too careful?  And, I know they're just dogs, but ... they're our best friends.  She had this dog through so much of her life, including when her father died just last year, when our boss died a few months ago.  This has been a really horrible year for her, and now her loving support is gone. 

I'm dealing with a dog who's gone haywire because dogsitters didn't listen to my instructions to avoid triggers, but she's going to be ok.  So many other horrible things could happen. 

I want to keep her safe, but also I want her to live.  That's hard. 

All day I just wanted to come home and snuggle the crazy puppy.  She's fine, of course.  Happy to see me, happy to be out of the crate, happy happy happy. 

And alive. 

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